Audioguided Tours
in Elorrio

How much does the service cost?
The audio guide service is free. We will only ask for a form of ID as a guarantee.
How long does the audio tour take?
The entire visit takes about 90 minutes, but it will vary depending on your own pace.
What languages are available?
The service is available in Basque, Spanish, French, English, and Catalan.
Do I have to use an audioguide for the visit?
No. You can use your own phone, as long as it has an internet connection, using the audios available on this website.
Do I need to book an audioguide beforehand?
We do not accept individual bookings. If you plan to come in a group, we would appreciate it if you let us know ahead of time. If there are no audioguides available, remember that you can always listen to the audio on your phone via our website.
How can I return the audioguide if the tourist information office is closed?
Please leave it at the police station.

Audioguided Tour

0 Introduction
1 Town Foundation
2 Gateway of the country
3 Arespakotxaga Palace
4 Arespakotxaga Txikia
5 Portale
6 River Streer
7 Urkizu Tower House
8 Arabio Palace
9 Main Square
10 Urkizu House
11 Basilica
12 Fountain
13 Errebonbillo
14 Urkizu Palace
15 Zearsoro Palace
16 Arriola Palace
17 Urkizu Iturbe Palace
18 Altzerreka Mendiola
19 Lekerika - Otsa
20 Otsa Palace
21 Otsa Goikoa
22 Saint John's Cross
23 Urkizu Tola Palace
24 Ibaikua Street
25 Kurutziaga Cross
26 Olazabal Palace
27 Lekerika -Otsa
28 Larreategi Palace
29 Rear of the Basilica
30 Saint Anna's Convent
31 Saint Anna's Cross

From 15th September to 31st May
Monday: closed
Tuesday to Friday: 10:00 - 14:00
Saturday and festivities:
10:00 - 14:00 and 16:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 14:00
Berrio-Otxoa Street, 1
48230 Elorrio (Bizkaia)